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Mentoring relationship
Mentoring brings mentees and mentors together to pass on knowledge.
Mentors are practicing or retired professionals. They are men and women eager to share and pass on their knowledge.
Godchildren are pupils, students and apprentices in hotel and catering establishments, from CAP to Master's degrees. All over France, they join the association to be sponsored by a professional specialized in the hotel and restaurant business.
The mentors are teachers and trainers from hotel and catering institutes and schools.
They supervise the pairs formed by sponsors and godchildren. They are also involved in the general running of the association.
How are pairs formed ?
The sponsor fills in a detailed form including :
contact details, level of education, choice of training and/or profession, internships and careers, expectations, professional project, hobbies and a description.
1- Field of activity (company).
2- Sponsor's needs.
3- Sponsor's follow-up and contributions.
4- Sponsor's career plan.
When tutorials are set up, a video is organized to facilitate the first exchange.
The following are present:
the apprentice
the sponsor
the mentor teacher
a member of the office
Each person introduces him/herself and describes his/her career path. Each completed form is sent to all those who follow the video. The parties sign a sponsorship agreement.
Le parrainage peut alors commencer !
The sponsor and the student make a voluntary and benevolent commitment to the sponsorship relationship.
They are jointly responsible for the development and success of their relationship. They undertake to keep all exchanges and information shared within the framework of their relationship completely confidential.
The mentor is available to them at any time. He/she undertakes to support them in finding any solution to their tutoring-related problems, if necessary.
Failing this, another mentor or the association's president can take over.
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